Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Facebook is shit

I succumbed to peer pressure about a month ago and started a Facebook account. I feel that I have given it a fair crack of the whip, and once the initial novelty wore off I found it to be a load of childish boollacks. I have, therefore, deactivated my account and in doing so I instantly felt more grown-up and mature.

EDIT 8 Sep 2012

I started this blog in 2005 and, disappointingly,  this post, written nearly 5 years ago, represents my biggest impact on the internet to date.
At the time of writing it has been viewed 4,531 times and received 177 comments, the most recent of which is only a week old.
Admittedly, this level of traffic is pretty paltry by today's standards but, be that as it may, it remains my most effective advertising platform. With this in mind, I am going to be an absolute whore and use it as such:

I have written a book...

...and no one wants to read it. Well, no agent at any rate. I have decided to admit defeat, give in to vanity, and publish the blasted thing myself. I've created a new blog to document the process. I'm not sure why - it just seemed the thing to do.
The book is called 'Unbelievable: Christianity as a House of Cards', a title that, I hope, speaks for itself. A brief synopsis of the book can be found here, but the following is the blurb that adorns the back cover, as well as the description section on the Amazon web page:

What happens if, for the sake of argument, one indulges the faithful by accepting as many of their claims as possible?

What happens if one accepts the existence of God and the Gospel account of Jesus?

In short, what happens if one takes Christianity seriously and then plays it at its own game?

It would appear that even with these rather charitable concessions, Christianity still doesn't make sense.

If any of you fellow Facebook haters want to buy the book, please follow this link where you will find further links to Amazon, Amazon Kindle, the iBookstore, and NOOK books.
You would be making a chubby nobody very happy, and that should be reward enough in itself.




Alex Taylor said...

That's quite funny, I recently did exactly the same thing, even including the bit about feeling better for deactivating the account.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad there is somebody out there that thinks that site is total crap. I can't believe it is even popular, so difficult and obtuse to use. So restrictive in movement and communication. Plus, it's so bloody ugly!

Spread the word, kill off Facebook and get on something good!

Carlos G said...

yeah.. . i hate the fact that you do something and then everybody knows it.. just like
"somebody just saw a fly in the wall"
"somebody just entered into the bathroom and started spreding shit all over the floor."

Luke Sorensen said...

i agree, it's limited, boring as fuck and i mean BORING AS FUCK to look at, and gives the impression of more privacy when in fact it doesn't give you that, it tells everyone everything and has some dodgy and dangerous underlying privacy issues for the discerning user to pick up on. If i want to find my friends from fuckin high school then I'm lame and never got the hell on with my life and moved forward. Fuck high school friends, it (facebook) even tried to connect me with ex girlfriends whom I FUCKEN HATE THE GUTS OF... it's shit, and for people with limited computer and/or social skills.

Anonymous said...

I have it, since it's convenient for keeping in touch with family and friends that live across the world, but it's pretty idiotic and I don't spend much time on it.
Cool site, btw.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Facebook is for cunts

Anonymous said...

Facebook is more annoying than Bebo, I never thought that could happen.

Anonymous said...

Facebook is the social equivalent of masturbating 14 hours a day. For those who have no life it is an interesting diversion from a futile existence, for those of us with a life it is a reminder of a futile existence. And THEN to come and blog about the fact that its shit, moronic, facile, pathetic and completely egocentrical, is surely the ultimate humiliation. Jeez guys, stop fucking moaning, get some sun and live your lives. But facebook is definately shit :-)

Anonymous said...

Too right, its a load of ol bollox.

Im interested too know, is the number of friends you have an indicator of how popular and successful you are?
I know that half the cnts on there that have > 100 friends are the sorts
that would send a friend request to any tom dick and harry. Ive found that some of these people are the ones
you would most likely want to fckn hang with. Also, why would you want everyone to know what ur fckn doin?
I say one thing...fck u my ex!!! all white south afrikans are cnts

Anonymous said...

"sorry i meant to say...the one
you would most not want to hang
with...i.e. they are delusional narcissistic"

keep takin care of business

Anonymous said...

i absoloutly hate facebook. I think its for cunts, so far all its done is put a strain on my relationship with my gf, and also truly made me paranoid, some knob acturally added me on msn and started shitstiring about our relationship, it would be so much better if everything on it wasnt so public, but yet again, thats all down to the user, so once again i cant stop blaming her, stupid fucking site!

Anonymous said...

Have to agree with Luke (above) on this one. Everyone I want to know has my phone number or my email. why the fuck would I want a bunch of randoms who've met me once/ex girlfriends and dickheads from school stalking me? I've been trying to lose these cunts for years.

Anonymous said...

I have read this site and i must say some of the comments have made me smile.

the simple ones are always the best...

"facebook is for cunts"

and i agree... the more 'friends' you have on facebook, the bigger cock you are in REAL life

Anonymous said...

i love facebook its amazing why doesn't anyone like it yor all wierd

Anonymous said...

Man o man. Facebook is a shame. Finally I meet some folks with some sense. Its so overrated. And yea, I made a fake account for like 3 min. and i was DONE. Its like a rainbow with no color. What's the point? really.. I'd rather sell my body on the corner than fuck with facebook.

Stu said...

facebook is not for cunts, its for fucking twats.

Anonymous said...

Facebook Sucks, if you have an account, your even worse off then a prostitute with aids and a gash full of std's.
facebook is for silly cunts, and theres nothing else to say!!!

SLK said...

I made an account to see what the big shit was all about...that evening my gf calls up and demands to know why/when/ what for I have a facebook acct now....how the fuck did she know? So then I was trying to login to it and delete my acct and she heard me typing and says "what are you doing now?"...I am trying to login to that shitbook and I cant remember what email I used....she told me which one it was. I like computers yadda yadda yadda ....but it seems like you had a real life in the olden days and you could keep it as private as you liked. and oh yes...FACEBOOK IS SHIT!

FUCK NO said...

True, true, OH SO TRUE.

Anonymous said...

Ive just deleted my facebook account (and twitter, Myspace can just rot and die!) It is for cunts and twats and I am neither...

Anonymous said...





Footlover18 said...

Just read all the comments, and I agree, Facebook is for cunts.

Sid said...

I feel like a cunt for creating an account on there.

Now I find out that I can't really delete it as everyone on my list will be notified and they will think i'm trying to make some kind of emo statement.

They are all pricks on facebook.

Anonymous said...

HOW TO PERMANENTLY DELETE (different from deactivating) YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT: (or so it says)


Anonymous said...

Totally agree. Bland. Obtuse. So many websites try the same 'look at this look at that what about this? tried this? or this? how about that? what about those? Seen these? Check this out watch this write that - I have my own mind. So I'm disconnecting and holding up a totally non-binary signal.

Anonymous said...

Its also so boring and all those shit popups that no one sent you keep appearing as well.
I snet a private message and hey guess what it appeared all over the fucking place - its bad news

Anonymous said...

BEBO is the same shit different site

Anonymous said...

Wow, a site full of like minded people. People often ask why I don't have a facewank account. Simple. I didn't need one 2 years ago and I definitly don't need one now. Who the fuck cares if your bored at work or looking forward to the weekend. Why do people feel the need to update their status everytime they breathe.

Ian said...

Facebook.... I haven't got an account, never will either, I've been to the site had a look at a few people I know of and a couple of mates and cringed in embarrassment for them, I mean to start with, the pictures they put up of themselves, you know the ones - holding a drink up, giving it the old 'I'm a man o' the people' 'I'm bagsa fun', to the ones where the person in question has a new girl and has to show them off. Fucking pathetic. I think there's some kind of law to it, you know, the more 'popular' you are on Facebook the more of a dullard you're in real life.

BUT, the absolute worst offenders have to be the parents that go on there, god that's sad.

'Oh but you can keep in touch with old friends!!!' - Fuck that, they're old mates for a reason.

It's just totally false - I have a mate who's on there and he's 'friends' with all the people who mocked him in school 13 yrs back, has he no shame or self respect? Low self esteem?

Well it seems to me that Facebook is full of undesirables that I have no interest in, and the people from my old school - ugh.

Fuck 'em all, they're the ones who will try to 'out-social' each other till they old and grey.

While I actually live my life they will be giving a shit about an associates irrelevant, pointless existence.


Anonymous said...

yup - i just spent (wasted sorry) a week fucking around trying to get it to do the most basic things it is supposed to do,,,,, and it doesnt bloody work, it is riddled to fuck with bugs, it cannot be a purely datadriven site or these issues simply couldnt happen. help doesnt work except to show you the zillions of other sho are also fucked and to whom facebook simply rams up the old middle finger of 'ignore' - fuck the place i say.

Anonymous said...

btw my gf bought me a t-shirt which says (in huge letters)


get one! you can buy them, she did (not sure where), and it rocks!

i too made an account simply to test apps i wrote which send content to facearse.

facebook is the MS wireless keyboard of websites (useless)

Anonymous said...

Personally I find Facebook very sad...
Instead of going outside into the real world and make real friends, people just sit on the computer all day trying to get some fag to friend them on facebook. My whole year in school does facebook and I just can't see the point of it.

iguanna said...

I totally agree with you all some of the comments are quite funny, i personally wouldn't entertain it as i have better things to do with my time, a lot of people are new to the internet i have been on the net since 1999 so i have learned a lot of things to do in cyberspace i'm afraid the newbies haven't got the intelligence or knowledge to use the internet properly hence this is why they use Facebook, it's a scientific fact that the Facebook user has a lower IQ than the average person, there is so much you can use the internet for why would people waste their time on that unless there was something wrong with them? I use the internet to run my growing business to do my shopping to learn information about certain things to gain knowledge, if you wanna keep contact with friends or family why not just open a ICQ account & an email address?
So all i have to say to the people who has a Facebook account is that your a thick sad billy no mates who wants to relive in the past.

Anonymous said...

I thought i was the only one who hated facebook glad i found this site made me smile.

Its such a stupid site everyone i know is on it and there all mates with people that used to bully them ect. I mean WTF is that all about.

wish facebook was nevemade.

Anonymous said...

yh i hate it too and want to leave but your mates will pester you to go on it again i get faggots from my old college coarse trying to add me as a freind and i dont have a clue how they find me and i get wankers posting shite like do you think this persons fit and all that bollocks quizes i wish it was never made as well

Anonymous said...

facebook is fucking wank mann theres allways problems with it its slow as shit ffs u get random lil nunses added u its fuckin WANK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Arsebook is definately for saddos. GET A LIFE social network...I thought that was the idea of meeting people.

camynumber1 said...

facebook is so shit.my wife and my 15 yr old daughter both have an account and they are both fuckin losers and i tell them this also,but apparently im the loser because i dont want to keep in touch with a bunch of twats who i knew like 17 yrs ago and dont fucking like.i moved on with my life and grew the fuck up.if u want to be a facebook zombie cunt then get a facebook.if u want to be a normal person with a brain who isnt interested in what so and so is doing dont get get an account.fuck facebook and everyone on it!that includes my wife and daughter u cunts.

Colin said...

For me, ridiculous websites like Facebook just exacerbate the decline in civilization. Why on Earth people feel the need to post every inane tidbit of their lives is beyond me. This overwhelming, exhibitionist, "look at me!!!" culture makes me feel more alienated by the day. I'm really so thankful for the comments on this page for helping me from slipping off the edge.

Richus Valentinus said...

i here the word FaceBook mentioned six times in one out of three converstations. you wouldnt call your freinds up and say:
"hello,i just had beans on toast for tea....byeeee!"
also when asked if you use it, and reply no, people look at you like you are a caveman."ahhh you should get face book you should get facebook" no i shouldn't, i think it is tremendously shit.

Anonymous said...

Facebook is definitely BIG SHIT!!!And all other social web shit is SHIT! People! get alive, go to the street, and meet some people!!!I am a hacker and I will soon arrange a attack to that stupid social shit, with so many NO LIFERS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Facebook is poo

Anonymous said...

no.. fucking... shit. i thought i was the only one aswell. i fucking HATE facebook and all those fucking little teenage girls on it. "omg look at me!!!!" fucking makes me sick. everyones getting brain washed into this shit and now everyones based on how you look because of shit like this.

they just want everyone to fucking look at their pics and post so they get an even bigger ego boost. i hear the word facebook at least once every fucking day... wherever i am.


that guy that does said...

i actually got really sucked into facebook back in 06 till i deactivated start of 08 but fuck do i regret having anything to do with it. its as if it does the exact opposite of what its meant to do- shuts everyone up in front of their fucking computer, makes them self conscious and paranoid, and to top it off it makes them feel like they're living a real "fun, engaged, outgoing life" when in the end they probbaly see their real friends less and less.

now i feel ashamed to be part of a generation that is so pathetic that it cant organise its own social agenda. instead we mediate it all through a FUCKING COMPUTER PROGRAM. facebook may be shit, but its up to us to all get the fuck away from it, and until we all do, we're just as shit ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Too True bring back the old internet days

Anonymous said...

Facebook is the biggest load of shite Ive ever seen!! So my knobhead bro puts a pic up of my car... a year later Im getting speeding tickets through the door even though its been on my drive for a year and a half!! So I try and get facebook to delete it as my twat of a brother wouldnt.. AS IF!! STUPID FUCKING WANKERS!! (That means the site AND the users!!) I hope your computer crashes with all that bullshit!!! ARGHHH!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok so I havent had an active facebook account for about 2 years now because of the underlying privacy issues with the site, as well as the fact that if i want to talk to my friends i will go and TALK TO THEM. It is such an irritating little fad that everyone seems to bum, but frankly i think it would be more productive to smear sulphuric acid into my retinas than to spend 5 minutes on facebook. I also just saw this which is such a good summary. It made me cry with laughter. South park spoof of facebook

Anonymous said...

Thank god im not the only person who hates facebook. I went on there a year ago because everybody said get an account so i did like a mug. The site is full of sad little fucks who have competions on how many friends they have. One twat on there who was on my list had 843 friends..... BULLSHIT. Btw what the fuck is that animal farm bullshit on there, i have better things to do in my life then site on a pc all fucking day playing billy the farmer on fucking facebook.... I hate facebook and everycunt on it.

Anonymous said...

some funny stuff posted. and have to agree with all.
my gf has an account and someone posted "am making a curry, yum yum"

Anonymous said...

I found this blog by typing 'facebook shit' into google hoping to find out if there are other like minded people who also think facebook is the most irritating fucking thing on the internet. I'm happy with what i found. I agree with all the comments. The worst part of it has to be the people that update everything they do or think, 'i just bought a new iron and ironed some clothes', 'Half a loaf is better than no bread'. Who gives a fuck. I mean who really wants to know what people are doing 24/7, or that they just found a new perspective on life from a fucking proverb? Nobody really cares, they just pretend to. Fucking bunch of cunts, i don't give a fuck what your doing.

Unknown said...

..my turn. Ok first of all big respect to all of you guys that hate this bullcrap called FB, this fucking federal bureau of investigation, that has only one reason to exist, point out all the loosers in world. if you're a looser then FB is just right for you - you simply must subscibe, the rest of us (not brain damaged) lets go out fuck some bitches and have some beer. cheers. my second statement: FB is gay. my third statement: WORLD, GROW THE FUCK UP!
Fuck facebook!

Anonymous said...

Im too busy living my life to talk about it.
I dont want to talk to some twat from school, who is still a twat.
Im also wise enough to know that 98% of people arent worth knowing, and the other 2% i will phone when i want to communicate with them.

Anonymous said...

I lost my wife to that load of shit!!
she became infatuated by it!!
would be one it 24/7
it;s a dangerous,infuriating,waste of fuckin time.
pretty much what i said to her .....when i threw her arse out!!!
oh and i forgot.....with the parting kick out of the door.....i told her to get a fuckin real life and to try and meet real people and not a bunch of deadbeets and fuckin paedos.

Anonymous said...

Facebook is absolute garbage, a senseless, compulsive, addictive preoccupation; a complete waste of time and just the equivalent of people advertising for themselves. The founder's a douche as well.

Anonymous said...

yes your all right facebook is a load of bollox the same as the people on it get a life you cunts .

clare said...

As did someone above..I also found this blog by searching the internet for 'facebook is shit'! Thanx to the person that mentioned the south park episode 'you have 0 friends'. The link didn't work for me but found it here: http://smotri.com/video/view/?id=v1442537f507


Anonymous said...

Thank god, some like minded people! I thought I was the only 'leper' without an account. I have never had Arsebook, and never will have. If you want to know how I'm doing - phone me or ask me. If not, fuck off! I'm not 12, and I don't give a shit about your hourly status changes or who you've pissed off this week with your crap cryptic updates!

Anonymous said...

I've found my spiritual home among other Facefuck haters! God bless you all you wonderful, intelligent, smashing beings!

Martina said...

:) I also found this page by typing "Facebook is shit" into Google... Thank the person who posted the link on Southpark and the person with the "No I'm not on facebook" T-shirt. I also thought that I'm the only person in the world who doesnt have fb and never will have. I feel pity for parents, teachers and some of my mates who have this ... Also, why to be online on so many social networks? Why to write the same message on fb, twitter, icq and God knows where else???????

Anonymous said...

facebook is SHIT i hate it and so dose my boyfriend, we think it should be deleted.NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERY BODY CAN JUST COPY EVERYTHING THEY WANT ABOUT YOU AND THEY CAN EVEN MAKE A FAKE PROFILE OF YOU I JUST THINK ITS BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hahah i typed in facebook is shit into google too! Facebook is indeed a pile of P**s..not only because of everything thats already been pointed out..but i cannot be part of a site which has such little control or claims to have no control over its groups, facebook is riddled with hate groups and in the name of "freedom of speech" refuses to get rid of them.. its turning into a total disgrace....facebook = dumb mindless hate mongering and general waste of time!!

Andrew said...

I googled Facebook Is Shit too,and got this page up. Haha. for a laugh i put my wifes name on the FB search, and even though she had always told me that FB was a load of shit, she has a fucking account. Waht the fuck? So i created an account using a false name so i can keep tabs on the shit she puts on there. I have no interest in teling everyone what im doing from one minute to the next,who gives a fuck? Fuck facebook and all the douchebags who take it seriously.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. I tried this load of crap. So cumbersome to use, ugly and full of narcissistic nut jobs. Must be a pack of nerds that are not really good with writing code that work this crap. Facebook sucks balls.

Anonymous said...

Facebook is the online version of a council estate

Davidr said...

face book is a bit like LSD or Heroin, has both good points and bad points, but better not to be addcited to.

If you don't like it don't use it.

If you like it too much take a break

Anonymous said...

You can never fully delete your facebook account when you sign up... It lays there dormant and will still work if you just log in, in the usual manner. Once you sign up they have you by the balls, and they'll never let go until you die.

Anonymous said...

Facebook is for sad shits thats for sure.
What utter sad cunt would let the world know they have been dumped etc etc?
Live your life and stop telling everyone else about it. I for one DONT GIVE A SHIT!

Anonymous said...

'Havin' Tea'
'Someone Invites To Join This Group'
'Facebook Is The Best Thing Eva'
'Why The Fuck Would Anyone Want To Know That You're Having Your Tea, You Invited Me To A Group I Don't Even Care About And Fackbook Is For Cunts'

Anonymous said...

How Did I Know There Was Gonna Be A Film Based On Facebook? Bet Everyones Going to see it as they like facebook

Anonymous said...

Facebook is such a bizarre tool. I hate it. Welcome me to the club.

Frank said...

Just scheduled my Facebook account for deletion tonight also, so add me to the club! Totally despise the poxy site, full of whingers, moaners, child-like pillocks, chavs and drop-outs from my past I found were better left there. I hate everything about it and am glad to rid it from my life. I felt as if my IQ was rising every minute I was without it, no more offers to play Farmville, no more infuriating requests to join Mafia sodding Wars... No more being incensed reading stupid status updates from shitheads thinking I am interested that they are "Borrrrreeeed.com". Maybe they should get off Facebook and go find something to do? Heaven Forbid! All in all glad to be rid of the social networking menace and I look forward to having coffee and a chat with REAL friends IN PERSON!

Anonymous said...

If there's one thing worse that FuckBook on a PC, it's FaceClap on a phone - arghh! It's not a missed call or a text you cunt, it's not from someone who wants to contact you, it's not a friend - it's a bunch of toss from someone sitting in the dark with fuck all to do because their human friends have neglected to ask them out for a drink. That said, you do get to pretend to be a popular twat by checking what your 800+ 'friends' have had for dinner and if you're lucky you'll have a tip you can return to the rest of the world on how to spice up a jar of cold dolmio.

Anonymous said...

Facebook is for total idiotic CUNTS, I have had fuckwits who I could not stand at school(they didn't like me either) wanting to be "friends", so I agreed & posted this to them "you were a complete cunting fuckwit at school & now you want to be my friend-FUCK OFF YA BAWBAG"

I met a nice girl at my sisters wedding, was going to start chatting to her on facebook but she had "2386 Friends", who the fuck has 2386 friends- A CUNT THATS WHO>

Anonymous said...

facebook is basically just a giant room full of pretentious dicks and people trying to sell you shit based on what you say

Anonymous said...

grown up, more like old school, its like a free cellphone, let me guess you only call on yours not supprising! no hate just like not having to pay for a global media transfer site, social networker, time killer, default doesnt ge deleted or moveded without months of access... mabey its just me and I grew up without FB Twit and the like... its never going away so dont wate your time hating!

Anonymous said...

but your all disgruntled old farcks, oh hate this im off the cool bandwagon to be even cooler hating it, oooh im going to delete mine tonight, if you really cared about your 'status' you wouldnt feel the need to publish it on a site thats not facebook so thats ok ... ok sure thing... solidog aka prvtlongdong bringing you back to reality!

Anonymous said...

or even better im over my old life its not me now, dont like where you've come from tuff love buddy, if its the people make an alias, and add only the friends you want... take advantage of the services at hand, it would be ignorant not to. FB IS THE BIGGEST WEBSITE IN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW! dont believe me kill yourself coz its not me its you... if you have no brain sure im a pied piper, im shaking my head in disgust... did you do 9/11!!?!

42minutes said...

Facebook is a shit well sold to people. It's the larger paranoia I've ever heard.
Why don't we fight against those scum?

Facebook IS A LEGAL MURDER!! They are trying to track every page you get in, but they can't get my trace, 'cuz I've installed some firewalls to deny facebook to put cookies in my laptop, track who am I and some more things they do ...another of those is make use of my old information: They send me e-mails with a random facebook's user's identity (without letting them knowing it) saying me "I've added you as a friend on Facebook", and inside the content if this mail it says "Sign up in Facebook!". And I think, how did you added me as a friend on facebook if I'm not in?
Fuck them! I got off facebook since some months and I don't need and I don't fucking have kicks to come back, so: FUCK IT!

Tony said...

Agree wholeheartedly. I call it Faecesbook. Signed up after being invited by dozens of people. Then started getting invites from people I haven't spoken to in years, and don't really care to speak to. They must have been checking every hour if I was on Faesecbook...how sad is that?

Anonymous said...

fb is just poo ur mates act like sum superstars n all the girls r just whores showing pretty much everything they have on offer . i feel embarassed for my m8s talkin like hotshots n also shit load of pedos wtf .
if i wana c hoes n shit fake ass ppl ill open the door u cant get rid of these stupid ppl . i enjoyed reading this post nice 2 know there r sum normal ppl in the world
PS the more so called frends u have on it the bigga da loser u r . if u h8 on dat ur r a loser hu needs a slap from god gd byeee
i no my spellin suks i dnt care im usin ps3 to type n im lazy

morris said...

Yep.....it's crap. It's rubbish. It's moronic. It's nothing. It's taking the place of reality for a lot of people who should be doing something more useful than posting up cretinous comments about their sad and boring lives.It's a waste of space. It's less interesting than this comment you are reading. It should be illegal to join Facebook. The penalty should be to have to talk to three real people, on the street, every day, for the rest of your life. That's how bad this shit is.

morris said...

Don't bother clicking on my name....just goes to the free website owner, not my website........they're all the fuckin' same, these cunts :).

Anonymous said...

I call it Fakebook cause everyone is so artificial.. I've always felt like an outsider and Facebook just amplifies this feeling. People are constanly posting shit, trying to prove to the world (or themselves) that their lives are so fucking great and exciting. if it really was, you probably wouldn't need to broadcast your whole life to your so-called friends. I hate this website and I hate what I have gotten myself into.. I always end up deleting my account because I don't want to know everything about everyone I've known. Too much power for one person, especially one as thoughtful and indecisive as myself. What the fuck would I post as a status? "The weather is nice." Or, maybe I'll fish out a quote about the perils of life, but for what reason? For my own satisfaction, or to impress my peers? I don't know why my generation feels the compulsion to stay connected at all times, but I could really care less.

Anonymous said...

I have a real life. It is challenging, tough, exciting and rewarding. The more effort I put into it, the better it gets and the happier I feel about myself as a person. Oddly enough, this does not involve a Facebook account. I think it is far healthier to actually face people in real situations. It's ok for kids but I think the way it can be used to bully schoolchildren should be looked at. I would rather teach my children to actually have a presence in the world and go outside rather than sit up all night typing on Facebook.

Jake the Plumber said...

Anonymous - 10:58 PM, January 31, 2011 Has it BANG ON! It is more Fakebook than Facebook. I quickly tired of reading the same bile spewed from the same sad, fakebook addicted titheads from my past moaning about their lives with such witticisms as "boooored.com" (Here's a tip for you lot that do this, if your life is that boring, GET OFF FUCKING FACEBOOK AND FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO!) Or the "We're SOOOO cool look at the 45 badly-taken pictures of us partying dressed as prostitutes" brigade... Errm, no, sod off and poke your pictures up your prostituted arse.

I have had three, yes three, Facebook accounts I have ended up deleting within a month of signing up, usually for the same reason. I have learned my lesson. Get a life, get off Faceberk!

Anonymous said...


I'm the only teenager I know that no longer has it. Here's why:

1. Facebook has a fuck load of info about me and makes a very dodgy privacy policy. Hell no. Reason enough.

2. But even if the policy was tight, it is still so boring... yet addictive. Hours of my life wasted away and amounted to nothing.

3. I have witnessed way too many people get bullied way too easily and it makes me disgusted.

4. There's no point anymore, I'd rather have real conversations that don't crash, and have real emotions rather than little smileys that just hide the fact that you are sitting there with a face like a brick.

Valandil said...

I feel so relieved that I'm not the only one who hasn't got his brain washed. I fucking hate that page and all of those who use it. Bunch of fucking posers. I would rather eat my own weight in horse shit before creating a Fuckbook account.Fuck you all, fucking zombies!

Anonymous said...

No one seems to be interested in really interesting and proactive stuff - BS like "chilling out with mates" and dumb booze photo seems to have more popularity than my chamber orchestra concerto...

I'm seriously thinking about getting rid of that piece of garbage account and don't let myself stray from my way only to subdue to false idols...

Anonymous said...

hey! im from Brazil and I tooootally agree with you.
I had deleted my facebook account for 2 months and you have NO IDEA how good I felt. I was happier, my mood was great and my self steam was high..it was amazing.
After this 2 months I decided to sign in facebook again(dont ask me why-i guess its because its so tempting..) I suddenly started looking at a lot of pictures again, at people`s faces i had never seen before.. and started thinking of how happy they are, how pretty that girl was and how they were ``better`` than me.. i suddenly started to sign in again for a week...
my mood was crap again and i started feeling shit again.
Its unbelievable how facebook has the power of destrying our mental health.
Life is once... and it`s so amazing to live it.. to talk to people face to face.. to go out and reeeeally enjoy the moment and not do things to tell the others on facebook.. it's just so stupid! it's such a waste of time..
I'm so happy there are some people that think like me.
I dont give a shit about where the hell people are right now.. if they are in a five star hotel in dubai or if they are home watching ''friends'' and eating popcorn.
i want to live MY LIFE.. want to do MY PATH.. and i dont need anyone to ''LIKE'' my choises BUT MYSELF.
and I hope you all have an amazing REAL life!

ps: sorry about my english !

- Carla

Anonymous said...

It's an Orwellian fucking nightmare is what it is.

It's designed to categorize everyone, put everyone in sections. It asks EVERYTHING about you, FUCKING EVERYTHING.

Then it asks for more, and shows it EVERYWHERE, FOREVER.

It's become a thing to "say what you're doing every minute of the day and who with". Fuck. I guess governments and capitalist pigs don't need to try that hard anymore. They have a huge database of information free to everyone.

and honestly, what that site does to people is insane. It really does change people, and separates family/friends from each other.

We all know who uses facebook religiously. It's the type of people who talk behind your back, and spread gossip, and through their insecurities they have to create a "circle of mistrust" with facebook. The proverbial two-face fuckwits who lead a double-life where they pretend to be friendly and social, but are in fact, dysfunctional, untrustworthy pieces of shit, then use Facebook for their impish games of seeding distrust and lies within their own families.

Put that on your wall you fucks.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Man FUCK FACEBOOK - it's a pile of shite, people listen - move away from the screen and go see your "Real World Friends" ........ stop living in a dream its BOLLOX - get out ont he streets and REVOLT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You people are all just as pathetic as someone who updates their facebook status every 5 seconds. You all sound like a bunch of whining babies. So what if people like to go on these social networking sites...its not any worse than coming on here and blogging about it. Get a life fucktards!

Facebook is for tw@ts said...

"You people are all just as pathetic as someone who updates their facebook status every 5 seconds. You all sound like a bunch of whining babies. So what if people like to go on these social networking sites...its not any worse than coming on here and blogging about it. Get a life fucktards!"

I think this cocksock is missing its Facebook... why has it veered away long enough to post its pointless opinion?

You love it, we hate it, so fuck off. Done. Why come to a blog and whinge about people whinging about Fakebook? Your rules fucktard.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Facebook is for (the majority) the "ipod" generation who knows no better. I grew up with very little, if fuck all, technology.

Now the next generation are a bunch of know it alls who have everything. If I want anyone to contact me, they can visit me, phone me, email me or skype me or FUCK (404) OFF.

!!! FUCK FACEBOOK !!! & !!! FUCK Mark Zuckerberg !!!

Anonymous said...

I hate facebook, and all it stands for so I am agreement with you guys. It is in reality just a tool to air your dirty laundry in public. Due to crappy security in the past peoples photos etc have spilled onto the net and having accounts hacked is not unknown and I hear of websites offering to get passwords for accounts for 90 euros or somesuch. Lives could essentially be ruined overnight by someone malicious enough for next to nothing. That alone sucks enough for me not to have an account with facebook

Anonymous said...

Fuck facebook - fakebook LOL
Nice ANTI FB t-shirt design found here: http://www.streetshirts.co.uk/outhaframe

Fuck FB !

Anonymous said...

I hate Facebook because you always have the impression that someone's wathching you and all the stupid people that tell their life. We don't fucking care about the fact that you have 1000 friends and you're living in a society of shit where everything is done by the computer and you're not able to pick up your phone and call the people. Oh no, you need to talk for nothing. Seriously facebook is a waste of time. The guy that invented it is fucking crazy and he must go to jail because now people don't have a good level of privacy and that's total shit.

Anonymous said...

Fuck facebook. Yeah the ipod generation who know no better or have any value for their privacy online. Facebook is evil and nasty.Also Zukerwhatever hes called can fuck off big time. I dont want my geeky "friends" from 20yrs ago "friending" me. Get fucking real, my friends are in my mobile phone directory or in my email contacts list. Facebook is trouble,bottom line. Also nobody at "home" does facebook, they als agree, its a fucking data mugging carnivore. FUCK FACEBOOK or Die.
404 the fuck away with you Zukerwhatevergeek your called.

Tony said...

facebook is shit

Unknown said...

the thing that fucks me off is the "I'm haivng suhc a good nit out with my m8s, im a tiny bik drukn" TWAT!! your night was that good that you took time out of it to update us all, and we don't care how drunk you are you attention seeking cunts. ive been round my mates house and they all around the laptop cause so & so has got bikini photos up from there holiday, god im pissed off!!

Anonymous said...

Just quit CUNTBOOK - couldn't fucking stand it and made me question my sanity as to why the fuck I was there in the first place. Hated all the fucking Charlie Hunts claiming how "amazing" their life/talents/opinions are when they're just a bunch of narcisshitstick sweaty nutsacks.

Anonymous said...

ok i Facebook if shit but if someone was to billed a new website what can they put in it to make it fun for u all

Anonymous said...


I've had enough of Facebook. I feel it's destroying true friendship and I'm sick of reading what time my superficial 'friends' went to the cloakroom and where they got bladdered last night. I've decided to leave and get a life!

Anonymous said...

My wife and I laughed our arses off reading all the comments, we now call it faecesbook lol:-) we have been on a protest site, and we have been hacked, hyjacked, blocked, facebook page messed with, viruses the works by the nerds at facebook itself, secure site!!! BULLSHIT!!! The founder of facebook is a dick (watch the social network)I agree most people on facebook are dicks, I have been corrected on small spelling mistakes (you gives a fuck this is not a spelling bee)and who has 2000 friends, unlikely!! just fuckwits that no friends in reality and want to make out they are the coolest kid on the block, but are really socially inept fucks with no lives!!1 FAECESBOOK IS SHIT (I'd click like but can't lol)

Anonymous said...

I agree facebook is fucking shit!!! It's for fucking fake ass pricks and good for nothing cocksucks!!!
I suppose technically as i'm on that piece of shit myself that then makes me a cocksucking semun swallower who takes it up the shit pipe!!!
By nature, however i know i'm not like that at all which is why that fucking site pisses me right the fuck off!! It's so addictive yet such a boring and depressing waste of fucking time!! I HATE IT!!
The fact that i got to this blog surely says something doesn't it?? FUCK FACEBOOK!!

Captain Beefheart said...

I also deleted my account on that fatuous, mind sucking waste of everybody's life, Facebook. It's shit alright

Anonymous said...

I tottally agree! I HATE facebook. Its the cause of arguements and full of childish behavior its a complete waste of space.

Anonymous said...

Facebook is shit, not because of the childish and often inane crap posted on the site (afterall you choose your own Friends), but because of the obnoxious nature of the company and their dubious practices of changing privacy models behind their users' backs without saying a word.

If I found out my local burger joint were mixing up their burgers with dog shit, I would stop buying things there. This is exactly akin to what facebook are doing to their users, still people continue on using the site and think all's just swell... Quite disconcerting indeed.

saz said...

Thank god ive found this! i hate the way people make a judgement over people not on fscebook. i feel that people who arn't on facebook are stronger, determined, kind hearted, love you for who you are and the most stable people overall. live life to the full :D

Anonymous said...

Facebook - a place for shitheads to post childish backstabbing comments to each of their childish backstabbing 'friends' whilst they all backstab each other and post more childish shit. Welcome to Facebook! Join only if you have the intelligence of a turnip and the decency of a skidmark.

Anonymous said...

Most comments here are bang on. If you point out to just about anyone that you dont do facebook, they look at you like youre a paedophile. Its all this bellended 'if i do it then so must everyone else' mentality you get these days. sickening.

Anonymous said...

Great to see not everyones a fucking sheep with the brain power of a festering piece of shit.

I had to stop going to some mates houses because all they did was sit fucking about on fuckingmoronicbook - even in the pub some of them talked about it, sad twats.

Im off to a mates now, for a game of poker and bottle of sambuka - stick yer fuckbook right up yer shitpipe.

Anonymous said...

facebook is the online equivalent of eating a packet of those cheap 'space invaders 25p crisps' tasteless , bland , boring, unhealthy and for kids only.

Facebook likes said...

joke like very funny hahahah

boredbook.com said...

facebook is just a place for idiots and those people who have either no lives or are unemployed. facebook should be spammed and then deleted

Anonymous said...

It's full of narcissistic camera-whores taking gormless photos with a mobile phone through a mirror (every given time), kindergarten-like arguments, prick teens publicly posting their mobile numbers randomly and paedos rising to the bait, drama queens, scrawny shit-necked chavs pretending to be notorious gangsters. Many-a-twat with their intentionally misleading profiles and status updates to give the impression that they are highly important and located at the center of the universe. I refuse to conform to the ways of the window-lickers, thus shan't be jumping on the FB bandwagon like all the other fashionists. There's only one lesson to be learned about this oxymoron called social networking: it's for pricks.

Anonymous said...

Couldnt agree more. This should become the official anti-facebook thread on the net.

Ever tried to develop for facebook? Even more of a headache than reading every fucking retarded status update on there.

thexfiles123 said...

EXACTLEy ! facebook sucks...

Anonymous said...

Im so glad there are so many people who also hate facebook, I had it for about 3 years and it was nothing but trouble people spreading shit about me to my girlfriend all the time from the minute i deleted it, it was like a weight of my shoulders. I felt so so much bteer with out ive never looked back. I dont ever want it again.

raiden said...

I fucking totally hate facebook and all the cunts from school that used to bully me and now think it's ok to send friend requests as if nothing ever happened. I fucking hate you all you fucking low-life scum fuckers.
...And, It's possible that there is currently something going on with my GF to do with it. I wish some 1337 hacker would totally fucking take it down and rip it's fucking guts out.

Anonymous said...

facebook is just altogether alround shit and anyone who becomes a billion from creating shite like 'facebook' is a bit bit of a fraud.end of!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

facebook should be banned .Why?. because its a load of bollocks

Anonymous said...

Facebook is for loosers.....and granma's who have nothing else in their lives...I deactivated my account and also feel a lot better. I don't want the pressure of have a facbook friend.

sabelo said...

tremenda garcha feisbuk

Anonymous said...

Ironically, Facebook is mainly for people who don't really have a clue how to socialise in the real world. Otherwise, why the fuck would one spend so much time typing absolute bollocks on it. It's also no surprise that the most active users seem to be the "Billy No Mates" types who are everybody's friend but nobody's friend! Sad fuckin state of affairs I say...

Anonymous said...

Couldn't agree more. I got 'seduced' into it because I have family and friends who live a long way away, but it is possible to keep in touch, properly in touch, with people you care about, without resorting to the inanity of Arsebook. I finally got fed-up listening to other people's self-aggrandissement and what they were going to have for tea, so deleted my account, whereupon I felt like a huge weight had been lifted from me. Ditch artificial communication and go back to the old fashioned ways - TALKING! WRITING LETTERS! PHONE CONVERSATIONS! Even e-mails are a more genuine, realistic form of keeping in touch.

John James said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John James said...

Facebook is a piece of shit. I made an account and deactivated it 7 minutes later because I realised what a dick I had been for making one In the first place. All of my friends have it but I see it as absolutely pointless, unsafe and difficult due to the fact that any pedophile in Pakistan can see what you had for dinner and also that it is such a difficult program to use and just overly complicated and such a bad way to communicate with people. Abolish Facebook now and give us something useful for once

Hbatt said...

Well it obviously is popular, you dont get 600million people using it everyday if its shit do you? Just because you all old and cant work a simple website.

Arthur Smith said...

Hbatt said - "Well it obviously is popular, you dont get 600million people using it everyday if its shit do you? Just because you all old and cant work a simple website."

Compared to the almost 7 billion people populating the earth it more than highlights to me that there ARE intelligent people on this planet; alas there also seems to be 600 million idiots gracing the globe. I am neither old nor stupid, and I have no problem navigating my way round sites for the simple, such as Faecesbook.

I also happily possess the sense to avoid it like the plague due to it really being aimed at the kind of person who feels inferior and unloved if they don't have 500 Facebook friends (most of which they either never talk out outside of Faecesbook, or they simply don't actually "know" in the flesh), or the type of supercilious prat that honestly believes the world needs to know what they are doing every 5 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is SHIT.

Anonymous said...

Facebook is pointless. i've never had an account but i did have a myspace page about 7 years ago for about a year and that was total ballbag. When all my friends told me to move on to facebook cuz thats the new thing i said forget that i just dont see the point. its like you're selling yourself with no profits!! it just doesnt make sense to me at all. facebook like many others probably started with good intentions then money grabbing fucks and governments involved then its fucked...

Anonymous said...

The fact that this post has been running for over 3 years just indicates what a load of juvenile bollocks Facebook is. Its for people who want to try and add some kind of meaning to their limited and miserable existance. Who gives a shit what you had for breakfast. The fact that I've just wasted another 5 minutes of my life to writing this comment about Facebook makes me feel even worse. As has been pointed out many times over on this site, FACEBOOK IS FOR CUNTS!!!

me said...

i am in......i never use it but i know that people on it dont have 100+ friends, it is for utter twats with no brains, sad pathetic fucks

Anonymous said...

Having a facebook account is the online equivalent of getting a badge on your head saying 'I'm an attention seeking dickhead'

I swear some people on there wake up, log into facebook, put a stick in their mouth and just start tapping at the keyboard making grunts like a retard to post as the status

when i use it, I feel like I'm getting dumber by the second.. Ppl Seem To Post Everee Word In Some Retarded Capital Every letter Wayyyyyy :)) Like Dis..Yur Nt Kool,,xx

Everyone puts on their little mask and tries to sell themselves to the world..I see people making out their hotshots with 400+ friends, when in reality most that met them think they are a prick, probably got 3 real friends max...

hyping up how fucked up they got last fri/sat...No one impressed omg u smoked some bud or did some pilsl or a line. this isn't school days you clowns, no one cares what you take they don't think your a big man because of it

those fucking duck faces the girls make, just take a normal photo you slag not looking like you got just put on superglue lipstick

Everyone makes out they are the dogs bollocks with their carefully crafted online facebook identity, they are self conscious so they try and sell themselves to randomers.. but who cares what a 32 yr old sweaty dude from Istanbul thinks of the photos of yourself in Tenerife that you picked because of the the right angle making u look good, took time editing uploading and tagging...

everyone cares to much what people think of themselves,,Acts as If there are no backdoors into facebook or that it cnt be subpoenaed if authorities or someone else determined wanna track you down.. why would you want all that info about you in one place..who really cares about your shitty little status update,..how can you try and stand out in a sea of 600 million people

all it is is highshcool popularity contest full of cliches,goal is marketing yourself and validating yourself...

just distracts people from real life, instead they can spend hours stalking and getting stalked by old school friends from years ago (ask yourself why!) playing their mafia wars or whatever and adding people you have never met, to never talk to, just for an extra number

keep looking in the mirror and tellign yourself.. 'im cool, i'm sexy, i'm different to everybody else' and realise your just a cardboard cutout' when you realise that, you can do something with your life that you will be happy with on your death bed

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
http://www.muahx2.com said...

FB is wired up to the numbers game .....how many friends do u got?

help find suzy some friends. suggest a friend....

Anonymous said...

I REALLY HATE IT, because it so easy to talk to people on there.
GROW a pair say it to peoples faces!!!!!

Anonymous said...

son of a bitch, i just propper deleted that Fakebook BS and u know what im doing? right now? organising a hunting trip and learning fucking guitar. my last post on shitbook was the following- "u guys DO know that i dont give a shit about 95% of u, right?" i might just get into something more productive, like injecting methamphetamine into my eyeballs and eating a big glittery poo
fuck shitbook get out into the bush and step on some red-bellied Black snakes!

Anonymous said...

Never been on it don't intend to ever go on it. If by chance I did it would only be to have the pleasure of declining anyone who tried to add me as a friend... if such a thing is possible. Can't believe how many people have said to me, 'What... Your not on Facebook?', like I'm some kind of fucking social leper because I choose not to partake. Down with Arsebook!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

... and his sister randi zuckerberg works as the company's marketing director ,wants to end online anonymity !!! fucking control freaks ! (just like bill gates and his windows oses.)


btw - great blog ! facebook - what a shit hole !

Anonymous said...

You bunch of poor people. If fb can piss u off enough to write a comment you are missing something inyour life. Haha

SRCook said...

Finally, so good to hear about others who dislike the drivel bollox that is fb sh*te!

Can't believe I was actually a part of this crap for a few years now!

But guess what? When I disconnected and got rid (?) of my account it was as if Morpheus himself said "welcome... to the real world!"! Utter bleedin' sh*te that I have no intention of repeating!

Completely agree too re: dillwads who say "Look how many friends I'VE got, I must be popular"... GET A FWXKIN' life retard!

Anonymous said...

FB = FUCKING BULLSHIT. its not remotely healthy for everyone to be up in each others faces all the time. i know loads of people who's marriages/relationships have been destroyed by this insidious heap of dogshit. and as for getting in touch with people who you've lost touch with....you lost touch with them for a reason, probably because you didnt give a fuck about them, so why pretend to give a fuck about them now??!! FB made me realise that people who i previously thought were reasonable down to earth individuals are just mindless sheep like cunts. if the modern world is a disease then FB is a major fucking symptom. surely there is a enough mindless fucking drivel in this world without shit like this as well. if i'd been at school with MZ i would have bullied the shit out of him.he is the king of cunts with all his cuntish minions. FUCK FACEBOOK AND FUCK EVERY MINDLESS PATHETIC CUNT ON IT!!!

Anonymous said...

I've just deleted facebook. It's been a long time coming. Partly because it seemed a bold thing to do, but now i don't really care anymore.
Everytime i logged on to it i just felt like a dick for having an account in the first place.
To be honest i had 200+ friends on there myself. To be fair obv some were 'REAL' friends and some were family. I may have had one or two randomers on there but for the most part they were aquaintences and people from school.
It is when you use facebook that you come to realise why the fuck you never became more than just acquaintences.....You can't stand the fuckers!!! Also the narcissism on there. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with valueing who you are etc but WHAT THE HELL!!??
As someone else said it's like a high school popularity contest. That's permissable......PROVIDING YOU ARE STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL!! When you get into your twenties it's about the time YOU GREW THE FUCK UP!! If you really were so great you'd probably wouldn't need to act that way....unless you were retarded.(I suspect the former applies).
As for the people from school! I never really gave a shit about them so i dnt quite know what i was thinking?
I came to the conclusion that it was thus a load of bollocks and that the only people that i talked to on there were people that i am in contact regulary by other means or people that i didn't particulary want to speak to.
Finally the layout of it is SOOOO BORING! and mark zuckerberg and his administrators are also cunts. (Everyone knows this!) :)

Anonymous said...

I finally came off FB after spilliting with my partner and realising that the politics of everything would be too much to bother with.

It's like communicating without actually communicating; if you want someone text them or call them. Instead a sea of vapid, banal comments like "bored.com" or "34 days" is created by people who should have more to do with their time.

The moment I deleted my account it felt like I had emerged into the real world again; no more worrying about petty dramas and ego stroking. Everytime I see the FB logo I feel lucky to have escaped it.

disgruntled_fakebook_user said...

People are saying that people from high school who never gave a damn about you are adding you as friends on FB. That is so true. But guess what - I was really unpopular in high school and even though this is happening, I still have the lowest number of "friends" on my list compared to everyone else in high school. I have less than 20 friends on my list and the rest have well over 100 - and they are exemplary of the kind that didn't speak to me much in high school but they add me and still never speak to me. But guess what - I'm so unpopular that I don't even get FAKE friend requests like you do! Can you believe that? I don't know what's worse - getting phony friend requests or being SO disliked in school that you don't even get THOSE!!! How would you feel about that?!?! I was a very nice person in high school but I was treated badly.

Anonymous said...

Fuck facebook and the muppets who used their real names online, I cant wait to see the epidemic of credit card fraud from the use of all that FB data, you got to be insane or real low iq to not understand the risc/danger that crap website opens users to. oooo loook at me I got 835 friends bla blaaa blaaaaaa, your lame, no one cares but your own ego....

danny said...

Facebook is totally overrated. People talk about it as if it was the greatest thing ever created. Everytime I go to the library the first thing people do is log on to facebook. People I meet are always so shocked and amazed by the fact that I'm not on facebook. In fact, many, MANY people have tried pressuring me into joining facebook but i tell them what I tell the rest. FUCK FACEBOOK! I have a brain and can think for myself unlike facebook users who are in reality just sheeples.

Anonymous said...

Strange Land is for cunts.

Anonymous said...

What a fucking pile of shite facebook is. Wow I have 500 friends plus, yeah like you see them ever. More friends must mean your more popular LMFAO.
Get back to real socialising and get down the fookin pub you bunch of sad facebook knobs.

Dave H said...

Facebook is absolute shit. Such a dire, fake, awful place to dwell. People become absolutely obsessed with it, spending hour upon hour talking utter garbage, or posting every single detail of their existance (you don't have a life if you Facebook, you simply exist for Facebook) with others suckered into the 'Facebook is necessary' drivel that seems to have crept into the minds of millions of sheeple. I felt liberated to be rid of it, and I have grown accustomed to the morons who say 'Eh? You DON'T have a Facebook account? You dunno what you're missing!'. I simply reply 'USED to have one, found it pathetic, banal, character destroying, soul crushing, pointless and dull. I found a REAL life to lead'. Tends to shut them up, before they scurry back to discuss it on Facebook with their sheep-head bleating status updaters.

Anonymous said...

I felt like shit whenever I was on faecesbook. All I wanted to do was shoot the fucking arseholes who sit in dark rooms with fuckshit to do. faecesbook doesn't even deserve a capital letter.
My friends are on there every second of everyday.
I finally quit faecesbook and felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders.
I am more than glad that there a normal people out there that hate the fucking bastards who created faeceskbook as much as I do.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh this site is so sad!! I had fb and the real reason people go on it is bcoz its adictive... REALLY adictive but one day facebook decides to ask for my PHONE NUMBER and my ADDRESS arrrr I DONT THINK SO!!! its been 2 years and ever since then i have actually had a life btw i can beat all of you at the 'sad facebook' game


my GRANDMA had fb omgod i was so ashamed so so so ashamed plus it just sets you up for cyber bullying so bad that its not even funny

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend sends me a happy anniversary every month its cute i'm really glad i'm with him and i really love him but... he sends it to me through fb and bcoz my account is fucked he gets angry at me when i don't comment or msg back god nearly lost him so painful but i blame it completly on facebook now i just laugh at it and my friends. this is a convo i had with one of them
"ok dude i love you but if ur upset your allowed to talk to me"
"ok i will msg you tonight"

i didn't answer she's still waiting for me to answer -.-

Am Marr said...

facebook is hit because its fucking LAGGING...
its make me reload many time and make me hate it..

Anonymous said...

Wow i love you guys ! I have a facebook and i'm so tired of it. Its best place to find the biggest waste of time AND narcissic people. It's unbelievable how the number of friends you have or the hotter you look on your photoshoped picture is important to people. It's a really superficial website that keeps you from doing useful things and calling the people you once called. I miss the time people needed to call each other, go see each other to have an event of something. And geez stop it with the old friend ! Like you fucking care about them it's most likely that you have nothing better to do.

Anonymous said...

FUCK FACEBOOK!! After reading all these comments, it has made me realize that its for sad fucks! Guaranteed that if I thought you where a cunt at high school, then I probably still think you are a cunt.

Maharishi said...

I registered with Facebook for no apparent reason; perhaps one of my overly enthusiastic colleagues pitched to me on how she could ‘POKE’ some one and ‘like’ their photos on a website. My initial reaction was ‘Now who in their right mind would want to poke’ or like a ‘PIC’. Later that night, I embarked the realms of insanity and registered with the site. Instantly I realised what I have done, THIS STUPID LITTLE SITE OF A THING IS HARVESTING USER INFORMATION; luckily for me I gave them all the junk data not useful to anyone.
Some people are so gullible, I feel sorry for all those Facebook users out there.

Anonymous said...

I have throughly enjoyed reading peoples opinons about facebook on here today. In fact it was fucking hilarious. I pretty much agreed with everyones comments. The amount of bullshit and psychology on fb is fascinating. Maybe we should all hook up for beers and publisize what a complete load of bollocks fb really is :-) thanks all you made me laugh

Anonymous said...

I left fuckbook today total shit

Anonymous said...

Face book is for perverts just because its on a screen dont make it ok if I got caught in some ones garden perving through a window I would get arrested, what a fucking sad society we live In, all you sadfacers fuck of and die,

Anonymous said...

Ace Things To Do Instead Of Going On facebook - Top Ten

1 - Don't go on facebook

2 - Pick that bit of dog shit out of the tread on your shoe. (If there isn't any shit on your shoe, go and find some to stand in first.)

3 - Poke yourself in the eye with a rusty nail

4 - Poke yourself in the other eye with a stick

5 - Go round all the houses on your street, looking through windows for people on facebook, then shout "CUNT!" through the letterbox when you find one

6 - Write an ANTIsocial network website of your own and become a billionaire just by creating a FREE website. (You suckers.)

7 - Start a new religion. Entice the exhibitionist moronic zombie fuckwits away from facebook by only allowing 'membership' if you are an opinionated self obsessive wankstain. (Unless your opinion is that facebook is bollocks, then you can't join, you're already saved. Tough luck on being a wankstain though.)
The holy mantra could go something like..."Look at me, look at me, I'm a cunt! Forever I shall be a cunt of all cunts. Click on my name to call me a fucking cunt."

8 - Can I really get away with all this swearing?

9 - Start a clinic for people with facebook withdrawl and patent it. (If it works you can buy me a pint), then... when the internet is turned off for a week because someone found a way to get back on Pirate Bay, you'll make billions.

10 - Do something fucking worth doing instead of just sitting in your wanking chariot, gratifying yourself over 3 'likes' on a picture of you with CUNT written on your head.

11 - I had to include an 11 because I wasted number 8 talking about swearing

12 - I had to include a 12 because I wasted number 11 by bringing up the fact I wasted number 8 on the comment about swearing

13 - I had to include a 13 because I wasted number 12 talking bollocks

14 - Comment here, it's the new facebook for not cunts.

Anonymous said...

FB is the biggest load of pigshit to happen to the human race. I've just had a three and a half foot shit....seven people like this...whaaaaat???? what in the name of jeezuz fuckin mary fuckbitch mother of some pseudo omnipotent cunt? I mean to say, its as fucking useless as religion.

Anonymous said...

The next time some cunt asks me, "have you got a facebook"?, Im gonna stick their fucking brainless head in a vice and 'am gonna hacksaw their lower jawbone clean off from the teeth downwards....there ye go cunt!, no I dont have a facebook....gettit!!!

Anonymous said...

So good post
and I hope to visit my Blog STD Symptoms and see Antibiotic Therapy For Outpatients
thanks again Admin

Anonymous said...

am sick and tired of this fucking FACEBOOK FACESHIT FACECOCKSUCKERS always harrasing me. who are these mother fuckers that keep putting it on my computer. i don't give a shit about zuckershit thieve mother fucker. this was not his idea and should be in jail. stealing someones idea is no diferent that stealing your car or bike or your wallet. since when in this fucking world a thieve steals a wallet with $1000 in it, is allowed to pay back $100 to its owner and keep the rest $900. kiss my ass america I AM GLAD OUSAMA BIN LADEN KICKED YOUR FUCKING ASS.

Anonymous said...

Yes Facebook is shit. The only imaginary friends you will have is through Fac-laughs-ebook! I now know this buy the ammount of pricks on my block list which is around 31, also the fact that no one cares that you left. Not even the people you know in real life. Only one person I did'nt know in real life said Oh noooo! I now only use MSN..

Anonymous said...

Some of these comments are brilliant. I have been thinking for quite some time now that facebook is a pile of shit. I hate it. It is such a waste of time and is for sad losers. FUCK FACEBOOK! (it feels so good to say that)

Unknown said...

Facebook is a shitty website for narcisstic fucking childish idiots what a waste of time and life to become part of this, oh yeah I took a shit today I could publish this on assbook or facebook I guess!

Anonymous said...

Facebook.. cos it's fun to pretend that 500 "friends" (and I use that term loosely), many of whom you haven't clapped eyes on in years, care about the minute of your vapid life. Facebook... popularized by self-absorbed, narcissistic pricks who need validation through "likes". Facebook.. home of the egocentric fool who sincerely believes that pulling a "duck face" makes them more sexually appealing to the opposite sex. Facebook... home of the illiterate.. coz it doesn't do to appear too articulate, especially when surrounded by so many other knuckledragging fuckwits.

Anonymous said...

facebook is so small it makes my willy look big

Anonymous said...

i like eating space invaders

Anonymous said...

I got up this morning don't have breakfast, went to work,drove a van round for a bit, came back home had some tea and I will go to bed in a bit!
Why do I need to put this on facebook?

aj said...

Not sure if this has been mentioned before but Cuntbook is definetley for cunts only.

Anonymous said...

Tried to open an account on it - said 'please enter valid email address'?

Lol'd it off - Facebook obviously hates people with Googlemail!

And judging by everyone elses statements, it is definetly not something to aspire to!

Anonymous said...

facebook is for brain-dead, useless arseholes talking to other brain-dead, useless arseholes ,got fuck all to say but their going to bore the shite out of everyone daft enough to listen. "GROW A BRAIN"

Anonymous said...

a load of shit this facebook they must sell all your details to google as they can tell everything about you there just type your name in google see what comes up, i deleyed it as well wont ever go back there, I do hope the EU takes them all the way and gives them a fine that will put them off the internet for good as they are under UK laws

Anonymous said...

I left fuckbook today total shit.

Go on UK take them for all you can get nail them to the floor so they cant use the internet any more idiots think they can do anything they want UK laws say they cant do what they are doing so GO GET THEM

Anonymous said...

FACEBOOK SALE yuck give me a million quid i might take it and shove it up the owners ass as far as it will go with pleasure

fil said...

Facebook's for monkey cunts!!!

Anonymous said...

I love it that most people probably found this page by googling "facebook is shit"! Great!

Anonymous said...

I agree, apart from the use of the vernacular for a ladies privates. That really is unnecessary.

Also, the same comments could apply to mobile telephones and other hand-held junk.

Anonymous said...

Facebook, just another cog in the dumbing down of humanity - should be banned, it's just so look at me look at me I'm drinking a cup of coffee and I went for a jog yesterday, look how many friends I have! look how many likes I get whenever I post a photo or make a comment.

Vinnie said...

I was searching for "turds" and ended up here.....

Anonymous said...

'Facebook' (literal translation) 'a place where cunts communicate with other cunts talking a load a cunt about cunts who couldn't really give a cunt about a cunting cunt.

So, let's be absolutely clear then:

CUNT, CUNT, CUNT, CUNT, CUNT (to infinity)

Shaman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alpha Mermaid Warrior said...

A little late on commenting. Fakebook is for cunts. There is no need for it and the losers from high school that are on there 24/7 can all go kill themselves. They only want you as a fake friend on there to spy and see what you're up to. They never change, they're all stuck in the past being the world's biggest cunts and losers. They just become more narcissistic.

ChaloklumDiving said...

Facebook is a reflection of the fucked up state of the human race. Nothing more to say.