Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Jewish philosopher

Hey everybody, check out this hateful cunt!!

Sorry about the language, but read his post before you complain.


Physiocrat said...

It's just a spoof, he has gone over the top as a way of ridiculing the sort of people who go on like that. Very well done too, I thought, if in bad taste. Shows up the fundamentalists as a load of bigoted idiots.

Anonymous said...

No,its not just a spoof.He is dead serious about it.Apparently you are not too familiar with his blog.

jewish philosopher said...

It's not a spoof. And I hope that my fellow bloggers in the UK will lobby Parliament to make sodomy a capital offence. This should be global.

The Honourable Husband said...

For a homophobe, he has exceptionally good taste in men.